
There I Was...When Nothing Happened

Created by Jason Brick

A book collecting true tales of violence prevention from professionals in the field. This won't be the sexiest book on self-defense you've ever read, but it might be the most important.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Some Full Disclosure About the Stretch Goals
over 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 24, 2022 at 10:37:02 AM

Wow! We already hit our first stretch goal!

That means I add three contributors to the roster, and all the contributors get a higher fee for participating. 

It also means I've adjusted the stretch goals a little bit.

If you're new to Kickstarter, a stretch goal means that if a project reaches a certain earning level, the creator adds cools things to make it a better product. All the backers get more when more backers get involved. 

Now, about full disclosure. 

There's nothing in the interface for Kickstarter that prevents me from changing stretch goals in real time. More than one unscrupulous creator has kept moving the goal posts, promising extra rewards but keeping the threshold just out of reach. 

I am changing the stretch goals, because you got to the first so quickly, but not in that way. Here's a screenshot of the stretch goals section until about ten minutes ago:

Here you can see the $4,000 goal where we add contributors and pay people more...and the next goal at $9,000.

Here's a screenshot of what it's been changed to. 

I've added a new stretch goal in between the $4,000 and $9,000 earnings points. We're succeeding so quickly I wanted to provide more chances for everybody to win. 

What Can You Do?

If you want to get to those next goals, and make the book even better than it already is, here are some things you can try:

  • Look to our add-ons. They're low-cost ways for you to give a little more to the campaign without shelling out for a whole new book
  • Share about us on social media
  • Invite me onto your podcast, blog, or page to do a guest appearance and talk about why this is so important
  • Find two friends who need this book, and get them involved

There are already 110 of you. If each of you did one thing on this list, we would explode beyond my wildest hopes. 

Thanks everybody for everything so far. This has been a humbling and empowering ride for me.

Approaching the First Hurdle! Give Yourselves a Raise!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 04:52:05 AM

As we close in on the end of our first day, we're closing in on 300% funding!

More importantly, you're closing in in our first stretch goal!

For folks who aren't familiar with Kickstarter, a stretch goal works like this. We've already gotten enough money to pay for the contributors, layout, editing, and cover. When we reach certain higher levels, it's not fair for me to just laugh to the bank. Instead, I increase the length and/or quality of the book, and I pay all of the contributors a little more. 

Our first stretch goal is $4,000!

At that point, we add two more stories to the book, and all the contributors get a raise. 

As I write this, we're just $658 away from already making that happen. 

So my challenge to you is: find somebody who needs a copy of the book. Get them to back us, or go in for one of the multiple-volume options and form a book club. 

If we get there before midnight tonight, I'll make that five stories. 

Let's make it happen!

Thank you all for your support so far. This is so great. 

200%. You People Are Amazing!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 04:51:47 AM

In just 3 hours, we've already doubled our funding goal. I cannot express how humbled, proud, and excited I am. 

The bad news is, we've run out of slots for the library benefit. All 60 initial backers have earned a free copy of the book sent to a library of their choice. 

The good news is, for the rest of the day, you can sponsor a book for a library for just $5.

More to Come

Stay tuned as we approach our stretch goals. I've put together a basket of entertaining goodies to keep everybody excited.