
There I Was...When Nothing Happened

Created by Jason Brick

A book collecting true tales of violence prevention from professionals in the field. This won't be the sexiest book on self-defense you've ever read, but it might be the most important.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Something Cool Happening Next Week
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 03, 2023 at 10:00:33 AM

Hello all!

Thank you again for all your support with There I Was. I'm thrilled with how it turned out, and the reception we've received.  I'm reaching out today for two reasons. 

First, my next book launches next Tuesday, May 9th. It's called Safest Family on the Block: 101 Tips, Tricks, Hacks, and Habits to Protect Your Family.

It's exactly what it sounds like. I have to say I'm really happy with how it turned out. It's not crowdfunded this time, but rather going straight to publication...but because you were so great with There I Was, I wanted to reach out to you with a special offer. 

Raise your hand here, or by emailing me at [email protected], and I'll send you a free excerpt from the book. If you love it, I'll tell you how you can make launch day a huge success. I can't wait to hear from you. 

Thank you again, again, again....and again. You've all really helped make my dreams for these projects come true. 


Happy Holidays to Everybody!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 10:48:31 AM

Fulfillment is drawing to a close!

With the exception of a few locals I'll meet in person, all of the books have shipped for anybody who has filled out the backer survey so I know where to send the book.

If you haven't gotten yours, please reach out. We'll find out what's going on (for example, international backers may still be waiting on shipping). 

Meanwhile, a couple announcements:

  • The book tour-slash-violence prevention seminars have been great. I've done 2 in Seattle, 2 in Portland, and 1 in Austin so far...with more scheduled for Boise, Vancouver, and the Bay Area in early 2023. If you'd like to host one, let me know. We'll work out some details. 
  • The library copies are beginning to move. I found out in an earlier project that if I just send one to a library, it ends up for sale in their used book pile. There's a process to the whole thing, and I am beginning that process. If you backed for the library, you might get an email from me if I need your help during that process. Be on the lookout. 

Thank you everybody for all of your support, patience, and the lovely things you've said and done to make this a success. It's been an honor. 



One last thing: go to Amazon and leave a review, please It makes a huge difference. 

Dotting the Is and Crossing the Ts
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 09, 2022 at 12:51:11 PM

Hi all!

It's been a few weeks since my last update. I've been in a whirlwind of book tour appearances sandwiching frenetic "catch up from being on book tour" workdays. I apologize that I haven't been updating folks as often as possible, and here's what's up right now. 

  • By now, everybody who signed up for the ebook should have gotten theirs. Reach out if you have not. 
  • US backers who only ordered the book (with one exception, see below) should have received theirs by now. Reach out if you have not. 
  • The exception: if you ordered the book and live where I was on tour (Seattle, Portland, Austin), I held on to yours on the off chance that you'd be able to show up. Now that those are over, I'll be mailing them out to everybody who's left. See also: if you're a personal buddy and I'm trying to meet you for a beer and hand-off. 
  • If you ordered more than the book and haven't gotten yours yet, those orders are my primary list item for this week. Stay tuned. 
  • If you are an international backer, those have gone out but I'm told it could take weeks or months to receive your book. If you haven't gotten it by the end of November, reach out. I can't promise that will make it get there quickly but I will look into it and see if I can't get a specific arrival date. 

Thank you all for being so supportive and enthusiastic! This has been a really great journey to go on with you all. 

Ebooks are Out!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 03:39:42 PM

Hi all!

By now, if you've filled out your backer surveys, you should have received your ebook copy via email. Thank you all for your support with this project. I am so happy with how it's turning out. 

A few notes:

  • You received a .pdf. If you need a .mobi or .epub version, message me and let me know. I'll send one your way. 
  • Once you've read it, please consider hopping over to Amazon and leaving an honest review. The more reviews we get over there, the better. I'm not allowed to reward you for leaving a review, but anybody who posts a screenshot of their review on social media (and lets me know about it - tag me in the post) gets a free pick from among my other ebooks, and a coupon toward my next upcoming project. 
  • A few of you are getting some weird line items in your receipt from Backerkit, owing to some kind of way I messed up aligning the ebook rewards between BK and KS. If that's you, check to make sure you weren't charged extra. If you were, message me and I'll make it right.

Thanks again everybody. Print books hit a minor snag when my first batch arrived here with some formatting issues in the margins. The new batch should be good to go, but it backed everything up a couple of weeks. Unless something else is wonky, we will begin shipping this weekend. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. 


About to Hit the Button
about 2 years ago – Sat, Sep 17, 2022 at 03:25:59 PM

By now you should have received and filled out your Backer Surveys to get your copy of the book and any other rewards you ordered. 

If you haven't received your survey email, reach out and we'll figure out what went wrong. 

If you have received your survey email, please find it and fill it out. I will be resending later today for your convenience. 

If you've done both, you're good to go. 

I will be locking orders on Monday morning, so if you needed to make any last-minute changes you have until then. That morning I will be releasing the ebook copy to everybody just as soon as I lock things down, so you'll have something to read that day.

Thank you all once more. This has been a real pleasure to work on, and a joy to see what it's developed into.